mandag den 29. januar 2007

Now I finally got my own..

Today is a big day! Or maybe not very special, but it is the first time I created a blog on my own and with the only intension of writiing down my thoughts and experiences.
Very soon I will travel to Vancouver Canada to work on projects in tree months, and this is what this blog is for. To let my friends and family know what I'm doing, how I am and so forth...
So - if you find it interesting - enjoy!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sagde ...

Hey smukke... vi vil med spænding følge dig og dine bedrifter de næste 3 måneder..håber ikke det gør noget at vi skriver på dansk da vores engelsk gramatik ikke er helt a h til. Knuz

mvh lars & Anne-mette